Affected by the Jakarta-Bandung Fast Train Project, Jeje Becomes a Billionaire
07 April 2019TRIBUNJABAR.ID, BANDUNG - Jeje (59), a resident of Jajaway Village, Cileunyi Kulon Village, Cileunyi District, Bandung Regency, is one of the heads of families (KK) affected by the Jakarta-Bandung fast track construction project and train station.
Before the land was released, he had 140 tumbak or 1,490 square meters of land. On the land, there are two houses that are occupied by all family members, rice fields, to the garden of hard trees. Of all of them he received compensation (UGR) of Rp 1.2 billion. Jeje said, at first he had refused to sell the land for the construction of a fast train project, because what was formerly called Kampung Babakan Sentral was the area where he was born.
"I was born until now in this land, many memories with my parents and children," Jeje said in Kampung Jajaway, Cileunyi District, Friday (5/4/2019). However, after negotiating with all the other family members, he agreed to all of his fields with standard selling prices.
Jeje said that he used the money to buy several square meters of rice fields and to buy a house in Griya Utama Rancaekek Housing, Rancaekek Wetan Village, Rancaekek District.
"Instead of being bothered because the train is fast, it's better to just move," he said.
Houses in Jajaway Village, Cileunyi Wetan Village, Cileunyi District, Bandung Regency, now some of the buildings have been leveled to the ground, the impact of the China Indonesia Fast Train project (KCIC). Tribun Jabar monitored on Friday (5/4/2019), in Kampung Jajaway, the land that would become the crossing of this fast train, now only the ruins of the building left, ranging from broken walls, glass, wood, to the roof of the house.
In the heat of the sun on this Friday afternoon, some residents in Kampung Jajaway, were seen busy unpacking one by one the components of his house, using simple tools, then collected. There was no guarding, making some of the surrounding residents in the village look back and forth to the affected area, to look for building debris that could be used again.
Not only Cileunyi Wetan Village, some villages in Bandung Regency were also affected by the project, namely Rancaekek Wetan Village; Tegalluar Village, Bojongsoang District; Rancaekek Kulon; and Cileunyi Wetan, Cileunyi District.
Tribun Jabar reported earlier that the process of land acquisition for the China China Fast Train project (KCIC) in Bandung Regency had reached 98 percent or more than 800 fields.
This article has been aired in tribunjabar.id with the title Affected by the Jakarta-Bandung Fast Train Project Jeje Becomes a Millionaire, http://jabar.tribunnews.com/2019/04/05/terdampak-projects-kereta-jakarta-bandung-jeje -so-billionaire.
Author: Judge Baihaqi
Editor: taufik ismail
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